Tips for Back-to-School Mental Health

The beginning of school can sometimes be a trying and stressful time for children and parents. Whether a child is starting a new school, starting school for the first time or just trying to adjust to Summer being over, these can cause uncertainty and confusion, having a good set of coping skills and tips can help ease the transition into the new school year.

·         Communication is key with teachers, the school, doctors and children

·         Establish school-day routines early (homework and bedtime)

·         Get involved

·         Encourage open communication

·         Incorporate positive reinforcement

·         Tell them when they are doing well

·         Maintain an optimistic tone and positive attitude with children

·         Practice expectations

·         Exercise compassion

·         Communicate with your child, your child’s teachers and school. Listen and acknowledge their fears

·         Give them coping strategies for when they are afraid

·         Set up school zones and expectations

·         Make sure you have a place that is quiet to do their homework

·         Get excited about the new school year

·         If your child sees you are excited, they will be excited


If you are experiencing stress and uncertainty, please know you are not alone.  Changes in routine, can make anxiety and depression worsen during back-to-school season.  You can call our hospital directly if you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis 812-298-8888.


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